Great Start

Registration is now available for our annual banquet, happening at 6:30PM on Saturday, April 22nd! 

The theme for this year's event is: Glorious Freedom. We'll be showcasing the beautiful liberty the graduates of our program are able to experience. We invite you to join us as David Peterka and our Board celebrate what God has done through When the Saints and share updates about both current and future projects. In addition, we'll present ways you can partner with us in transforming the lives of both the oppressed and the oppressor in Malawi. 

If you missed the discounted ticket price on our social media don't worry! Since you are on our email list you get a second chance at the discounted price.  

Single seats are available for $18 (10% off)
*Individual seats are coded in Orange

Or, invite your friends, family and coworkers to join us in our mission –
and reserve a whole table of 8 for $144 (10% off)
*Full tables are coded in Yellow.

Watch for more updates!

Some New Developments For The Future!

Recently, our ministry was given a generous grant to support our work. A charitable foundation provided us $10,000 – enough to drill a brand new water well on our future high school's property. This grant will also cover the expense of a water tower, some needed sound equipment for our evangelism ministry and two motorcycles our men's ministry team can use to travel from village to village.

We are so grateful to know that the students will have a fresh, clean water source right by the place they are being educated! This will allow them more time to focus on their studies. It prevents them from having to transport water from other parts of our campus. 

In the future, we also have a donor who is looking to fund half of the costs for us to build our high school buildings for the girls. We do not have plans to start building this in the immediate future, but we are excited to know that we already have a significant chunk raised – before others have even begun to give toward such a project!

A Canvas Rebel Magazine Interview

Years ago, when I was 18, I put a “bucket list” together. The list did not have a lot of things on it. I would say, not more than 10. The one that stuck out to me the most was, “Help save someone’s life.”

From time to time I’d wonder if I would ever get the chance to do this... I would even go as far as to daydream about coming upon a bad car accident and helping a person out of the car in order to get them to the hospital or diving and pushing someone out of the way of a moving vehicle. Maybe part of it was selfish and I just wanted to feel like a hero, but the thought of someone being alive because of something I did was intriguing.

Seven years later I had started our non-profit organization. We just opened the first and only long-term trauma counseling safe home in the southeastern African country of Malawi. We brought a 5 year old girl into this safe home who was being abused by her own biological father. He was arrested and sentenced for 14 years. After she went through the 1-year counseling program, I tagged along with our social worker to her grandmothers home where she would be reintegrated back into her community.

The grandmother came running up to me and grabbed my arm. She looked me in the eyes and said, “This granddaughter was not the only one to be abused by their father. I had another 3 year old granddaughter that had wounds which got infected from the abuse and that 3 year old died as a result of those wounds. I believe this granddaughter here is alive today because of what When the Saints did to help us. You helped save her life.” In that moment I realized I could check an item off my bucket list.

This is an excerpt from a recent interview Cavas Rebel magazine did with David. Read more here...

We look forward to continuing to partner with you in the months ahead, together impacting lives in the beautiful nation of Malawi. God bless you and yours all throughout 2023!

With Love,

A Special Request: Our WtS Girls Academy now has over 130 students! The teachers recently requested playground equipment for the girls to use while they are on recess. Would you be willing to help us get closer to our goal of $720 for a slide, swings and other pieces of playground equipment so the girls can enjoy their school breaks even more? Click HERE or on the image above to learn more and contribute. Thank you!


Spring Has Sprung


Child is Born